Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sick baby, sick mama

Well, we've definitely had a rough week. Be prepared this post is slightly graphic, so if your stomach can't handle vomit-talk, then you may just want to pass on reading this.

Wednesday morning Matt and I woke up to find our poor little guy in a crib full of vomit. We're not sure when he threw up, but man did he throw up. It was in the crib, out of the crib, on his jammies, in his hair. We have no idea how long he slept like that because he never cried to wake us up. :( It was so sad to find. So we instantly threw him in the tub and cleaned up his crib and he stayed home with us (as opposed to going to daycare). He was so pitiful all day and would barely eat or drink anything at all. He also had a mild fever that we were keeping track of. Wednesday night we put him to bed in his pack 'n play in our bedroom (figuring that way he'd be in our room if something happened again), and sure enough, he threw up everything again. :( Fortunately, this time we caught it *right* after it happened. So once again he stayed home Thursday (still not eating or drinking anything really).

In the middle of the night Thursday he woke up crying and had a pretty high temperature of 103+ so Friday we kept him home again and ended up taking him to the doctor. The doctor heard a lot of congestion in his lungs, so she requested a chest X-ray (Ethan's first X-ray) to make sure he didn't have pneumonia. Fortunately, that wasn't the case, but on top of the lung congestion, he also had the beginning of an ear infection. So we came home with Ammoxicillin and were hoping that was the end of it.

Well, it pretty much was for Ethan. Unfortunately, however, I woke up at 2am last night and ended up throwing up. Seems like whatever Ethan had, I inherited. But the good part is, Ethan's energy is much higher today and he's actually eating and drinking (yay!). So now I'm pitiful (but surviving) and Matt is just trying to avoid all the germs in the house.

Send us all the healthy vibes you have our way, we definitely need them!

My pitiful (yet adorable), sick little guy

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