Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My not-so-baby baby boy is almost 3 years old. Holy cow.

Ethan will be three in about five weeks. Three! Is it just me, or did that happen fast? I am loving every step of watching him grow, though. He is truly such a sweet, compassionate little boy and I love him to pieces. So this post is just a little update on my not-so-baby baby boy.

1) Back in June, Ethan started sleeping in his own "big boy" bed (aka a twin mattress on the floor). We decided to skip the toddler bed step, just because, but weren't quite ready to put him on a bed frame up off the floor, so this was our idea for a transition. So far he has only really completely fallen out once and that was his second night in the bed, so I have a feeling we will promote him up to a real bed frame sometime soon.

2) Ethan is officially potty trained! We switched him from pull-ups to underwear almost two weeks ago and have not looked back since. It definitely takes more awareness on our part to continually ask him if he needs to go, but he is really doing amazing on his own. He'll get up from playing and run to use the potty all by himself. Even this past weekend when we were at Walmart he told me he needed to use the potty, so we rushed to the public restroom and had no issues at all.

3) A few nights ago Ethan had his first real night time scare. I'm not sure if it was a nightmare, or if maybe the cats made some noises in his room that scared him (based on what he's told me, I think maybe Natty is to blame). But he is of the strong belief that there is an elephant in his room (under his old crib that is still in his room because eventually Bradley is going to go into the crib and they are going to share a room). So we've had to continually reassure him (night after night) that there are in fact no elephants in his room.

4) Ethan's current obsessions include: the ever constant Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, a new favorite Thomas the Tank (and all things train), anything that flies (especially rockets) and, of course, sports. You name it and he likes it (baseball, golf, soccer, basketball, football, hockey...). I have a feeling we're going to have a little athlete on our hands, just like his Daddy. :) He also really likes puzzles, books and stickers (which he has about 10,000 of).

5) There are big static display airplanes on base as you drive through the gate. We see them everyday, but yesterday Ethan asked me why they couldn't fly. So I told him it was because they were just for decoration. His response? "Decoration for boys?" And I asked, "Why is it just decoration for boys?" And he said, "Girls can't touch airplanes." Which I, of course, asked him why and he said, "Because they'll get dirty." Lol. Umm... where does he come up with this stuff?

6) Ethan (after going #2 on the toilet and feeling ever proud of himself) shouts to Matt, "Daddy! I pooped on the potty!" Matt says, "Good job, buddy!" To which Ethan replies, "Daddy! Come see it!" So, as any good father would, Matt goes into the bathroom to look. And as Ethan is still sitting on the potty, but lifting up his leg to look in the bowl he says, "It looks like a hot dog." Lol.

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