Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A little update on my Bradley

Time is seriously flying by with Bradley. I feel like everything was slower with Ethan. I have always heard that, though, that with your first child you pay attention to every little detail, but with your second you're so busy chasing around two kids that time seems to fly by much faster. Well, it's true. Bradley is such a little happy, joyful baby, though. He makes the thought of having a third baby an actual possibility, haha. I always knew I didn't want an only child, so no matter what kind of baby Ethan was, he was getting a sibling. But depending on what kind of baby Bradley was was definitely a determining factor for if we have a third. This is all, of course, very far away from right now. Like years. Years and years away. Which I'm totally fine with. Two and a half years is a great gap, but I have a feeling if we have a third it will be an even larger gap. But I digress.

So here are just a few little updates on my Bradley:

1) Bradley is doing awesome. He is growing healthy and strong. At his four month check-up he weighed in at 16 lbs 6.5 oz (just a little over double his birth weight!) and was 25.7" long.


2) He has awesome neck control and loves his tummy time. He has rolled from his belly to back, but not his back to belly yet. He has slept through the night twice, but usually he wakes up once or twice in the middle of the night to eat. He hasn't quite started sitting on his own, but once he does, I'm going to see if he's interested in trying his first bites of food.

3) My poor little guy started cutting his first tooth earlier this week. That hasn't made for the easiest nights lately, but teeth are teeth and they have to come at some point, so I figure let's just have them cut through and get it over with!

4) He started attempting to blow raspberries in the air this past weekend. It's the cutest little pbfffff sound ever, if you can imagine, haha.

5) Bradley did awesome traveling to the beach in June. With already two round trip flights under his belt before even hitting six months old I have a feeling he is going to be an expert in no time. :)

6) The verdict is still out, but I have a feeling Bradley will be my second blue-eyed boy. They've lightened up since birth (when they were a dark gray-blue), but they are still blue. I'm not sure they'll ever get as light as Ethan's, but only time will tell! :)

7) He is always full of smiles (especially for his Daddy), but over the last few weeks he has really started to giggle, which is just awesome. Matt can really get him going with some of his silly faces. I absolutely love it. Smiles and giggles from a baby are just the best thing ever.

And here's just a few random pictures of my Bradley:

Helping me get some work done early one Saturday morning

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