Thursday, May 22, 2014

Happy 21 Months to Ethan!

I can't believe it's already the end of May! Where has the time gone?? Matt's original end date for training was actually this week, but with all the delays he's had, it looks like it'll be closer to the end of July or beginning of August. We don't mind staying in Albuquerque a few months longer, but we're definitely both looking forward to being part of a squadron and getting to settle (as much as a military family can settle). We've been looking at houses in Clovis, but we still can't decide if we want to rent, buy or live on base. There are benefits to each option, so we're just making sure we fully investigate all three before we make a decision. The housing market in Clovis is just so wacky right now. We can buy a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house for about a $900 mortgage OR rent a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house for a $1500 rent! Seems like a no brainer, we're just not sure we really want to own a house in Clovis, New Mexico, lol.

Other than getting ready for our move to Clovis, we've just been keeping busy with day-to-day stuff. I've had a lot more work this month, which has been great. I'm averaging about 3 hours a day, which is less than what I originally expected, but I'm not complaining! I'll take what work I can get and be happy to have it! Then Matt is always busy with training. Whether he's in the simulator flying or in class or studying he always has a lot on his plate. Lucky for him, though, he's actually going to Austin, Texas this weekend for a friend's bachelor party. It'll be a quick trip, but I know he's looking forward to seeing his friends and getting a break from training.

As for Ethan, he is just growing and getting bigger and learning more everyday. He's getting really good at his animal sounds (my favorite is when you ask him what a dog says and he sticks his tongue out and pants, not sure who taught him that one, but it's funny).  He also knows all his body parts and likes pointing them out (head, eyes, mouth, nose, finger, toes, belly, arms, legs, etc.). Then just the other day we were walking out the door to leave and I said, "Ready?" and he responded "Seeeet, GOOOO!" It was the cutest thing! And he's definitely a boy based on the amount of scrapes, bumps and bruises he gets. He plays hard and doesn't seem to mind getting a little banged up along the way. Other than that he loves his movies and definitely has some favorites. He just saw Puss in Boots for the first time last week and now he's always asking to watch "Boots." Then there's Toy Story. He loooves Buzz and Woody and asks for them by name, too. He's also getting much better with his manners. He's finally saying "thank you" although it sounds like "tha" when he says it, but we know what he means. And he knows to say "please" when he wants something. Now I'm trying to work on "no, thank you" as opposed to just "nooo!" when he doesn't want something. It's a slow process, but manners are really important to Matt and me, so it's worth it.

Here's some pictures from the last few weeks:
My boys playing

Matt was doing push-ups so Ethan went over and joined him

At the playground

At the grocery store

Sitting on his bike, resting his head, watching tv, lol

Eating his first White Castle burger (Matt was so proud)

Picking out a book to read & make your own pizza night

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