Monday, January 20, 2014

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

I love Pinterest.  I really do.  I don't know what it is, but something about the whole thing is just addictive.  So yesterday, while I was perusing Pinterest, I came across this awesome pin for "Super Fast Chicken Freezer Meals."  I was instantly inspired!  You see, now that we have more space in our kitchen, my slow cooker is SO easy to get to.  In our old apartment it was hidden back in a nook, and unfortunately, the level of effort it took to get my slow cooker out of that nook negatively affected the amount of times I was willing to use my slow cooker.  But now!  Now my slow cooker has it's own little shelf and whenever I want to use it, BAM! it's right there ready to be used.  Yay!  I literally already used my slow cooker three times in the 12 days I've lived in New Mexico, haha. :)
Okay, so back to these freezer meals.  I found the pin yesterday, and instantly knew this was something I wanted to try.  So often I re-pin pins that look interesting, but never go back to them, but this was different.  I knew these freezer meals were perfect for me!  The ingredients are so simple (and bonus - I already had half of them!).  There are five recipes on this particular blog, and I decided to try three of them: Teriyaki Chicken, Sweet Barbecue Chicken and Café Rio Chicken.
Let me just say, these things were SO easy to prepare.  SO EASY.  You literally just put all the ingredients into a bag, mash it all together and throw it in the freezer.  Then all you have to do is pull a bag out, let it defrost for an hour or so and then plop the contents of the bag into your slow cooker.  Easy peasy!  I don't want to jinx it or anything, but I feel like even I can't mess this up!  I will say, the hardest part of the whole thing?  Having to wait to actually eat them!

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