Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Our not-so-date date night

Since we don't know a lot of people around here yet, we've actually asked our babysitter to be our on-call person to watch Ethan when Baby Boy #2 decides to make his grand entrance. She is an awesome person and Ethan loves every time she watches him, so it was an easy decision for us. Now, in an effort to make Ethan even more comfortable with her, we had her come over and watch him Saturday night. She got here a little earlier than normal with the goal being for them to spend time together to include dinner and bedtime.

So around 530pm or so, Matt and I left the house for dinner with plans to see a movie afterward. We didn't really know where we were going for dinner. At first we stopped at the Cotton Patch Cafe (an American chain restaurant), because, why not? Well, I'll tell you why not. They don't serve alcohol at the Cotton Patch Cafe. When asked if they did (because from the hostess stand you could see the drink area where there was no liquor and no beer taps) we were told it was a "family restaurant." Lol. Evidently beer and family environments don't mix. Noted.

From there, we gave up and headed to Chili's because, well, we know what to expect when we go to Chili's. It might not be anything amazing, but it's somewhat reliable. And they serve alcohol. After Chili's we headed to the movie theater where we planned to see American Sniper. Well, of course, the movie was sold out (the 645pm show) and there was absolutely nothing else we wanted to watch. The options were to either see the 945pm show or see nothing. So we saw nothing, because let's be real, we can not stay awake long enough to see a movie that starts at 945pm.

That's when things went downhill fast. We literally just started driving around aimlessly. It was too early to go home (Ethan wasn't even in bed yet), but we had nothing to do. We'd even already been bowling with Ethan earlier that day, so hitting up the bowling alley again just seemed pitiful. There are movies on base, which we debated, but by the time we thought of it we would've arrived 15 minutes late (and no, they don't show 15 minutes worth of previews on base, I know this, because I called and asked, just in case). So where did we end up? The local self-serve frozen yogurt shop, Yo Tea Go. Which was, fine. From there, we hit up the closest Redbox for a movie to take home with us. Which, of course, didn't have the movie we wanted, so we had to go to the next closest Redbox.

Are you bored yet just hearing about our date night? Lol. It was bad. I mean, we had a babysitter, we had hours to do whatever we wanted without a child, probably for the last time in awhile. And what did we do? We went to Chili's, got frozen yogurt, picked up a Redbox movie and went back home. It was one of the first times we really missed living in a city with - ya know - stuff to do. Lol.

Just a few more years, right? ;)

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