Thursday, January 8, 2015

Home is where your heart is

One year ago today Ethan and I packed up our lives on the East Coast and moved to New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment. Hard to believe it's been a whole year. I've missed so much about Maryland and DC, but I have loved all the new experiences and adventures, and the independence that come with moving away from home. And while February 26, 2006 is the day I started on this crazy military journey and September 10, 2011 is the day I became a military spouse, I think January 8, 2014 will always be important to me because it was the day the military took me away from home.

But what is home?

We never really know where the Air Force might send us next or when they may choose to send us. Heck, we don't even know what nights Matt will be home for dinner next week. But what I do know is this, home is where your heart is, and what the Air Force has taught me is that my heart doesn't have to be in only one place. Because while my heart is absolutely here with Matt and Ethan and this new little baby boy who is going to come out to meet us in the upcoming weeks, my heart is also in Maryland where I spent the first 25 years of my life and DC where I married the man of my dreams and brought our first precious baby boy home. And both Maryland and DC will always have pieces of my heart. Maybe as we move across the world on this crazy adventure little pieces of my heart will be spread even more. Who knows? All I know is, for now, my heart is here, in New Mexico.

1 comment:

  1. Since google deleted my first comment.... <3 Been thinking about you all a lot lately and your crazy adventures. It makes me so happy to know you have such an open mind and especially open heart when it comes to being a military spouse, it's not easy. And while I was just one of the kids being dragged around, I know I learned so much from all of my experiences (good and bad) of getting to live all over. I know that you guys are building an incredible home, wherever you are, for all of those involved in your life in the present, past or future - and I definitely agree with you in that you leave a piece of your heart in every place you've lived. I miss you being on this coast with me, but know that you will always be my friend, b/c in the same vein you'll always have a piece of my heart with you (and your fam). Sending you and the boys a lot of love and hugs.
