Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pumpkin Carving and Trick-or-Treating

We got home from our two week whirlwind East Coast trip on Tuesday (more on that later) and took Wednesday to relax and adjust to being back at home. Then Thursday and Friday Matt went back to work and Ethan started at his new daycare. And even though it was technically only a two-day work week, it somehow still felt like a full week to all of us, lol. Anyway, we ended the week with Halloween, of course. So on the way home from daycare we stopped to let Ethan pick out his own pumpkin and then he and Matt carved it right before we all headed out for trick-or-treating. I might not have decorated the house this year, but all-in-all I'd say we had an awesome Halloween evening. :)


Yes, Monster had to go trick-or-treating with us

1 comment:

  1. Well he is a monster and it is Halloween. Love the pumpkin!
