Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mini Update & Thanks

I haven't blogged in awhile, so I just figured I'd give a mini update on life over the last month.

- The MP (aka Gigi) came to visit us for a week at the beginning of the month and man were we thankful! She helped us get so much done around the house in terms of unpacking and settling in. It was just so nice to have an extra set of hands and an extra spirit to keep us (read: me) motivated and moving. Plus, she helped me bake cookies - yum! We were all sad to see her go, but are looking forward to her visiting again (next time with Pop, too!) at Christmas time. :)

- Ethan has been at his new daycare for almost a month now and the kid LOVES it. Seriously, he's excited to go to school everyday and comes home singing (literally, his teacher sings all the time and now he sings at home too, it's adorable).

- My pregnancy is moving right along. I just hit 28 weeks on Monday (aka my third trimester) and am feeling great. My only symptom these days is a little bit of heartburn, but I had that with Ethan, so it was no real surprise. Maybe this little guy has a full head of hair, too? Only time will tell. :)

- As for Matt he is just busy with work. He actually worked this past weekend, so we're all looking forward to some family time over the long Thanksgiving weekend. Oh and he is super excited to use his new grill to rotisserie the turkey. :)

And speaking of Thanksgiving, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say what I'm truly thankful for this year. So many wonderful things have happened, I think it's important to sit back and reflect on those things and never take blessings for granted.

- I am thankful for my husband. He is my best friend and my rock. I couldn't have picked a better person to go on this journey with and feel so blessed to call him mine every day.
- I am thankful for Ethan. He is the most wonderful little ball of joy and energy that continues to amaze me everyday. We have put him through so much this year with two moves and four different daycare classes, and he has just been awesome through the whole thing, continuing to show us his strength and ability to adapt with each life change.
- I am thankful for a healthy second pregnancy and can't wait to meet the newest member of our family next year. Now if only we could come up with a name... lol. :)
- I am thankful for my family. Leaving behind everything I knew in Maryland and DC was definitely a new adventure, but my family has been so wonderful coming to visit and making time to Skype and always keeping in touch. I know they are all hundreds of miles away, but they are always there when I need them.
- Finally, I just want to say how thankful I am for all the men and women in the United States Armed Forces. Joining this new squadron this year has opened my eyes to a different side of the military that I was never exposed to before. It's no longer "if" Matt will deploy, but now just a matter of "when" Matt will deploy and that has brought everything so much closer to home for me. I am just so thankful for all the men and women who sacrifice their lives daily for this country and wish them peace, health and happiness during this holiday season.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! <3

Monday, November 3, 2014

Our East Coast Visit

As most of you know, we traveled back East earlier this month for a two-week-whirlwind-family-and-friend-visiting-extravaganza. It was the perfect time to go since Matt just finished 13 months of training and hadn't been assigned any responsibilities at his new squadron (which can make it difficult for him to travel and get away from work) and I'm not too big yet to be really uncomfortable flying. As for our other traveling partner, let's be real, there's never a "perfect" time to travel with a toddler, lol. He did do really well on the flight out, but the flight home definitely pushed us to our patience limits a little more. Note to future self: Make sure the tablet actually charges prior to flying so you don't end up with a dead tablet 30 minutes into a 4 hour flight.

Anyway, we started our trip in Clovis (obviously) and drove to Albuquerque where we slept our first night. Then from there we woke up and flew to Baltimore, where we stayed at my brother's house. We woke up bright and early there and drove to New York, where we got to spend time with both sides of Matt's family and some of his friends, too. Next we went from New York down to Delaware where we stayed with one of Matt's best friends for a night. From Delaware it was onto Maryland where we visited with my family and friends. Whew. I'm tired just typing that, lol. It was seriously SO wonderful to see everyone, but darn if we weren't tired when we got home! And I think when all was said and done we slept in 8 different places... over a period of 14 nights. Ha.

Now for pictures. I'm just sorry I didn't remember to get my camera out and take a picture with everyone we saw, but hey, if you took pictures while we were visiting, please send them my way, I'd love to have them. :)

Hotel snuggles in Albuquerque

Flying from Albuquerque to Baltimore

Playground in Highland Falls

Apple picking in Warwick with Philly friends

Playground in Warwick

Visiting with Sarah and Kim

Ethan's first selfie

Feeding a friend's horse in New York

G-ma and Ethan feeding another horse

It's pizza time!

Ethan and Grandpa


Four generations (me, my mom, my grandmother and my son)

Matt's first ride in the firetruck

Dinner in DC with Matt and Candice

Me, my oldest friend and our babies <3

Boteler Family Photo

Tractor ride with Pop!

Goodbye, East Coast!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pumpkin Carving and Trick-or-Treating

We got home from our two week whirlwind East Coast trip on Tuesday (more on that later) and took Wednesday to relax and adjust to being back at home. Then Thursday and Friday Matt went back to work and Ethan started at his new daycare. And even though it was technically only a two-day work week, it somehow still felt like a full week to all of us, lol. Anyway, we ended the week with Halloween, of course. So on the way home from daycare we stopped to let Ethan pick out his own pumpkin and then he and Matt carved it right before we all headed out for trick-or-treating. I might not have decorated the house this year, but all-in-all I'd say we had an awesome Halloween evening. :)


Yes, Monster had to go trick-or-treating with us