Monday, February 10, 2014

Little basketball, big basketball

Ethan LOVES basketball.  For Christmas, Uncle Mike and Aunt Lauren got Ethan his own basketball hoop and I swear there isn't a day that goes by that Ethan doesn't put something through that hoop. Usually it's one of his numerous basketballs, but sometimes it's building blocks, or cars, or stuffed animals. I'm sure the fact that Matt is constantly shooting hoops on Ethan's Fisher Price hoop helps inspire Ethan to love the sport as well, but no matter what the reason, this boy loves basketball.

So yesterday Matt and I took Ethan to a real basketball court for the first time. We took Matt's basketball and a little basketball for Ethan. Big shocker, though, from the minute we started our walk to the courts, Ethan only wanted the big basketball. He wanted to be like his Daddy... none of this "baby basketball" stuff for him. Haha. He did end up sharing the big basketball (a little) with Matt, but not a lot. Matt was able to shoot some hoops on his own when Ethan got distracted by the playground next to the basketball court, but it wasn't long before he was back on the court with Matt having a blast.

I have a feeling we have a future athlete on our hands. :)

Headed to the basketball court on Matt's shoulders... insisting on carrying the ball

Matt dribbling the little ball while Ethan has the big ball, lol


Thinking about it...

Totally debating throwing the ball in an attempt to make a basket

Ethan playing with the big ball, Matt still stuck with the little ball

And he's noticed the playground...


Yay, playground! :)

1 comment:

  1. So precious! I love that he wasn't intimidated by the high basket/hoops... I also love that you caught him "noticing" the playground. Cuteness :-D
